Using lombok

Although DiVine removes a huge chunk of boilerplate code that would be used for your initialization processes. Your getters, setters and constructors could still take up a lot of space. It is generally recommended to use Lombok to get rid of those code overheads from the source code.

class MinigameManager {
    private final List<Minigame> minigames = new ArrayList<>();
    private NetworkManager networkManager;
    // ... bunch of other fields
class UserController {
    private final UserRepository repository;
    @Inject(token = "API_TOKEN")
    private final String apiToken;
    public void init() {
        repository.login(apiToken, Scope.READ | Scope.WRITE);

The code above will generate a constructor for UserController, which will take in repository and apiToken as parameters. This will be fully compatible with DiVine.

@RequiredArgsConstructor(onConstructor_ = @ConstructWith)
class SessionManager {
    private final SessionCache cache;
    public SessionManager() {
        cache = SessionCache.newEmptyCache();

Your code might need multiple constructors, where DiVine should use a generated one. You can still put @ConstructWith on these generated constructors.

class DatabaseCredentials {
    private final String database, username, password;
public class ConnectionHandler {
    private @NotNull PacketCodec codec;
    @Inject(token = "PROTOCOL_VERSION")
    private int protocolVersion;
    public void sendHandshake(@NotNull Node node) {
        node.queue(codec.encode(Packet.HANDSHAKE, protocolVersion));
        node.queue(codec.encode(Packet.MESSAGE, "Hello, World"));

You may explicitly specify null assertations for your injected fields. DiVine will guarantee to always create an instance for your services.

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